Moses Foster Jr

#335, b. circa 1730


Mary Brooks b. c 1730


     Moses Foster Jr was born circa 1730 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass.1 He married Mary Brooks circa 1756 at Ashburnham, Worcester, Mass.2

Other Events

     Moses served in the Revolutionary War. His DAR ancestor number is A041752.3
ChartsPedigree of Daugherty Collins
Pedigree of Robert Frank Collins
Pedigree of Rodney Arthur Collins
Pedigree of Sarah Josephine Gardner


Revolutionary War Veteran


  1. Frederick Clifton Pierce, Foster Genealogy, being the record of the posterity of Reginald Foster (Chicago: Privately printed by W. B. Conkey Company, 1899), Page 189, e-page 195, Person ID#346.
  2. Pierce, Foster Genealogy, Page 189, e-page 195, ID#346.
  3. Secretary of the Commonwealth, compiler, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, 17 volumes (Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co., 1896-1908), 5:922.
  4. Vital Records of Ashburnham, Mass, to the end of the year 1849 (Worcester, Mass: Franklin P Rice, 1909), Births, Page 33.
  5. Ashburnham VR's, Births, Page 32, 19 Jan 1767.
  6. Ashburnham VR's, Births, Page 032.